
Tech is changing. Isn't that exciting? To celebrate we created a time capsule packed with tech-related predictions.

In january 2021 everyone was invited to submit their technology related predictions. These submissions are now safely stored and kept secret. In December 2031 all predictions will be made public for everyone to enjoy.



Why are you doing this?
  • Because we think it is really funny to look back at how we perceived the future in the past.
  • Because we want to give our future selves a Christmas present.
  • And mostly just because we can.
When and where will the predictions be released?
On this site! Come back in December 2031.

Why 2031 you ask? We all like round, easy to remember numbers. In January 2021 predictions were collected. 10 year is such a nice number, thus 2031 was chosen.
Is there an actual real-life time capsule?
There is no classic metal-box buried at some classified location. We want to keep control and ensure nobody accidentally finds it, therefore we made copies and distributed them among people we trust. Virtual copies are be stored in the cloud, on bare metal and offline (usb sticks). Everything is also printed and sealed in envelopes.
Under what license will the submissions be published?
All valid submissions will be published in the public domain. It will be free to use by anyone for any purpose without restriction.